Thank you to all the parents who attended and participated in our exciting Athletics day. The Moms and Dads can certainly run fast!!
The chilly air certainly did not temper the mood of the day, with the vibrant spirit from each house contending for the Spirit Cup. Kestrels did a great job at singing their war cries and shouting support for their runners, and deservedly won the cup!
Eagles was the winning house with138 points, with Kestrels in a tight 2nd place, just 2 points behind! Falcons had 118 points and the Hawks were awarded the Wooden Spoon for their 99 points in 4th place.
The Tug-of –War battle began on Friday and the boys’ final finished on Saturday with Eagles the proud victors. The girls’ Tug-of War was finally decided with the walk-over win by the Falcons girls on Tuesday morning.
The Sumner Trophy for the girls’ U12 400m race was won by Giki Mokotedi, while the Myburgh Trophy for the Senior Boys’ 800m was won by Gomo Molefe.
The Junior Victrix Ludorum winner for 2019 is Rebecca Klaaren, and the Junior Victor Ludorum winner is Kieran Brown.
Kezraahi Naicker took the Senior Victrix Ludorum Cup, and Gomo Molefe the Senior Victor Ludorum title.
Huge congratulations go to all the winners for their success, spirit and determination, as well as to every participant of the day.
It wouldn’t be the same without the support of parents and learners alike.