Thank you to all the parents who have supported this facility in the past. As many of you do work late, the need for supervision for your child in the afternoon is a responsibility with which we can assist you.
The Aftercare phone number is 071 860 0224
We wish to bring the following to your attention:
- All rules as per Parkview Senior School’s Code of Conduct will apply at Aftercare.
- Failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct may result in termination of enrolment.
- Admission to the Aftercare facility remains the sole right of the Aftercare facilitators.
- Please ensure that you notify the Aftercare staff and office staff of any changes in contact details as soon as possible and of arrangements that may have changed.
- Aftercare accounts are run separately to the school fees accounts. Aftercare does not run for profit and is NOT covered by school fees. AFTERCARE FEES MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE.
- Children whose parents have not completed the current year’s Aftercare Application form may not be left in Aftercare. We will phone you to ask you to collect your child if fees or forms are outstanding.
- Please ensure that your child is signed out when s/he is collected.
The facility offers a variety of activities & resources, such as:
- Homework supervision.
- Co-Curricular participation
- Access to the Computers, Media Centre and the swimming pool, which are all supervised.
- Your child’s whereabouts and safety will be taken care of under strict supervision of the Parkview Senior Staff, who have offered their spare time to make this possible. Aftercare will be held in the classroom of the teacher on duty for that afternoon.
Aftercare fees can be paid directly into the school’s bank account. Please be sure to use your child’s name and “AFTERCARE” in the description e.g. – “John Smith, Aftercare”.
Banking Details:
Account number 5033 212 0133
Branch 255805 Craighall
All correspondence/money brought to the school must be in an envelope, clearly marked with your child’s name and “AFTERCARE”.
Aftercare Times
Aftercare ends at 17:00, when the gates will be locked. Children collected after 17:00 will be charged R 20 for every additional 15 minutes after closing, or part thereof. This is necessary to cover the overtime we need to pay our support staff.
Please ensure that you sign your child out when collecting him/her.
NB: A teacher will not be present after 17:00.
Aftercare Fees & Application Form
School Fees Debit Order Form
School Fees Undertaking Form and Checklist
We at Parkview Senior School appreciate your support and would like to assure you that we respect your privacy. Should you provide us with any personally identifiable information via this web site, we will make every reasonable effort to keep your information secure; Information you provide to us will be used solely for the purpose described on the page where you enter the information: all information is stored on a secure, fire walled, server we will never sell any of your information to any third-party for any reason we will not ply you with unsolicited messages exhorting you to purchase anything.