Communication Channels

Parents are asked to please take note of the following “Channels of Communication”, should you wish to take up a concern.

It is very important that these channels are followed and that parents do not go directly to Ms Bahadur, especially if it concerns work. It is  appropriate that the teacher is approached directly.

Navigate through the various possible concerns that you might have below, along with the our preferred method of solving the concern:

Your child’s progress
Who to contact: Class or subject teacher

How to go about it: Book an appointment with that teacher via the office / write a note / an email

Work set for the class
Who to contact: The Subject teacher

How to go about it: Book an appointment with that teacher via the office / write a note / an email

Teacher him / herself
Who to contact: Teacher concerned

How to go about it: Book an appointment with that teacher via the office / write a note / an email

You have followed correct channels & the problem is still not resolved.

Who to contact: The Grade Head

How to go about it: Book an appointment with the Teacher by calling the office / write a note / an email

The problem is still not resolved.
Who to contact: The Principal

How to go about it: Book an appointment with the Principal by calling the office / write a note / an email

The problem is still not resolved by the Principal

Who to contact: The Governing Body Chair Person should be approached ONLY if the principal has already been approached.

How to go about it: Email the chairperson of the SGB, Zaid Kimmie on

School policy /practice

Who to contact: The School principal

How to go about it: Book an appointment with the principal by calling the office / write a note / an email

We at Parkview Senior School appreciate your support and would like to assure you that we respect your privacy. Should you provide us with any personally identifiable information via this web site, we will make every reasonable effort to keep your information secure; Information you provide to us will be used solely for the purpose described on the page where you enter the information: all information is stored on a secure, fire-walled, server we will never sell any of your information to any third-party for any reason we will not ply you with unsolicited messages exhorting you to purchase anything.